Frequently Asked Questions
( Last checked 2023/08/21 - The estate of Paul Marmet
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#3 Generalization of Mass-Energy
In order to predict all the
phenomena usually attributed to relativity, can we just take
into account the change of mass (due to kinetic and all other
energies) and use Newton's equations (without any new
physics)? Since both the electron mass and the proton
mass increase in the same proportion, does this compensate so
that the atomic energy levels remain the same?
Apart of the fact that there is a change of electron mass
inside atoms, is there any other important changes in atoms
which have consequences when we apply Newton's classical
mechanics? Etc ….
#5 Theories and Theories.
In order to calculate
phenomena involving relativity we use Einstein's equations.
For example, let us consider the advance of the perihelion of
Mercury. Einstein's equation leads to the observed result.
However, even before Einstein, Gerber in 1898 gave an equation
giving also the correct prediction (same equation). After
Gerber and Einstein, several scientists used other
mathematical transformations that lead to the same prediction.
Some of those scientists are: Von Laue M 1917, Oppenheim S
1917, Seeliger H 1917, Morgan H R 1930, Idelstrom Alex 1948,
Brown G B 1958, Nedved R 1994, Renshaw R & Kallefitz W
1996. Does that mean that we understand
relativity? What is going on inside the
atoms of matter, so that we could find a logical and
satisfactory explanation to length contraction and time
#6 Principle of Equivalence.
Einstein's theory of
Relativity considers that the gravitational force of
acceleration is identical to the inertial force of
acceleration. Einstein claims that these two accelerations are
undistinguishable. In reality, is there any possibility to
distinguish these two accelerations?
#8 Why Quantum Mechanics is Non-sense?
Why can we say that Quantum
Mechanics is Non-sense? Why do we disagree with
the Establishment in Physics? What Exactly is the
Copenhagen Interpretation?
Who proposed the
Copenhagen Interpretation of Modern Physics?
Does the Copenhagen Interpretation solve the problems of
Modern Physics? Do some scientists recognize that
it is some sort of hoax?
#10 Energy Required to Move a Mass from the Pole
to the Equator.
We know that the Earth
equator is at a greater distance from the Earth center than
the poles. Similarly, orbiting satellites are at a
larger distance when apogee. However, clocks run at a
higher rate at the apogee, while clocks run at the same rate
at the equator and at the pole. Do we need a
special mechanism to explain those facts? No,
because the problem is quite different. It requires external
(Earth) energy to move from the equator to the pole but there
is no change of total energy between apogee and perigee.
#12 Why the Lifetime of Disintegrating
Particles Becomes Longer at High Velocity.
How can we explain that the
lifetime of Muons becomes longer at high velocity?
Since the internal components of the nucleus in nuclear
physics also acquire energy with velocity, we can show that
this is a consequence of the principle of mass-energy
conservation. Here are more information about that
#13 Classical Relationship between E=mc2 and m=gmo.
We see that the mass-energy
relationship E=mc2, has been developed by Thomson’s in 1881 and
Heaviside in 1889 well before Einstein. Also,
using the principle of mass-energy conservation in equation
we calculate the increase of mass of a particle due to its
increase of kinetic energy. We find that the
increase of mass is given by the relationship m=gmo.
#15 Origin of Redshift 
This note explains that
the gravitational redshift observed from massive stars is
not due to a loss to energy of photons while they travel
through a gravitational field. The redshift is due to
the fact that the atoms located in a deep gravitational
potential emit a lower frequency due to the gravitational
potential on these atoms, as calculated using quantum
Series #16
ThisTime a "Physical"
Dimension? How many physical dimensions are
necessary to give a complete description of all matter in
the universe? What is the meaning of Proper
Values? Why does the local observer (in a moving
frame) not use the same universal standard meter (and
standard clock) as defined everywhere else (instead of his
local meter and local clock)? Etc…
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