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Why the Lifetime of Disintegrating Particles
 Becomes Longer at High Velocity.
( Last checked 2017/01/15 - The estate of Paul Marmet )
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 Series #12 - Lifetime of Muons
Question - (1-A)
How can we explain that the lifetime of Muons becomes longer at high velocity?
     A. - Since the internal components of the nucleus in nuclear physics also acquire energy with velocity, we can show that this is a consequence of the principle of mass-energy conservation.
Here are more information about that mechanism. 
        Several readers would like to understand how to explain the fact that the lifetime of radioactive particles (like muons) becomes longer when they move at very high velocity.  Of course, even if moving clocks run at a slower rate, we have to understand why the nucleus of atoms also behaves the same way. 
        That question is related to a previous papers published some years ago.  We have seen previously that when we apply the principle of mass-energy conservation, the mass of all particles increases with kinetic energy.  That is mass-energy conservation.  For example, inside atoms and molecules, the mass of the internal electrons and of the nucleus increases when kinetic energy is added to these particles.  We have seen that this increase of mass changes the parameters, which control the structure of these particles when we apply the rules of quantum mechanics.  In practice, we can see more easily that the internal energy states change, following the de Broglie equation.  For the same reason, we calculate that the absolute energy of dissociation or ionization of molecules also changes, due to the change of mass of the internal particles forming these more complex particles (due to mass-energy conservation and quantum mechanics). 
        The change of atomic clock rate calculated previously is just one example.  Similarly, when we apply the same quantum mechanics to the mu-mesons (which are heavy electrons), these heavy electrons with all their internal energy increase their masses.  However, they are also naturally submitted to the same quantum rules (and mass-energy conservation) as in the case of the atoms.  The rules of nuclear physics are quite similar to the quantum rules of atomic and molecular physics.  The quantization of nuclear forces also leads to a similar change a nuclear structure when the mass of the particles increases due to kinetic energy.  Consequently, the lifetime of nuclear disintegration also increases "Gamma Times" just the same way as the dissociation energy of molecules or its clock rate (since the same quantum mechanics must be applied to all systems).   The quantum phenomena applicable to atomic and molecular physics also apply to nuclear physics. 
        I wish to add that furthermore, another very interesting consequence appears in the case of very large (organic) molecules.  Using quantum mechanics, we know that when there is an increase of electron mass, the very large organic molecules vibrate and oscillate more slowly due to the increase of electron mass.  Their rate of vibration and oscillation slows down at very high velocities, just as for the case of atoms, as seen by the slowing down of clocks. 
        Consequently, our human body, which is formed of very large organic molecules, possesses a different size (different Bohr radius) and a reduced rate of evolution when our body moves at relativistic speeds, due to the increase of mass of all the electrons inside the molecules of our body.  Consequently, the rate of our organic evolution is slowed down, which is interpreted (by humans) as "getting older" more slowly, when we move at velocities approaching the velocity of light.  An equivalent description has been published in 1997 in Appendix I of the book "Einstein's Theory of Relativity versus Classical Mechanics"
        In fact, all these results are quite evident and appear quite naturally when we apply the change of mass of particles and quantum mechanics to: atoms, molecules (small and very large) and nuclei in all fields of physics. 
        These consequences are the reasons for which we can write that everything can be explained logically, without the magic (non sense) of relativity. 


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